Become a Pilot

Flight Instruction Details

It is our goal to ensure that your time is respected and your money is being used effectively while you pursue your goals in the sky. Because of that respect, we aim to meet you where you are in your education and progress your education toward certification at a speed that feels most productive to you.

The average private student should be prepared for about a $10,000 investment (both aircraft and instruction). That total estimate is not paid all at once but is spread across multiple months of training. To help students budget, we use a retainer system that involves an initial payment in advance and students can charge their flight and ground instruction fees to that retainer, refilling as needed.

We offer two packages to get you started:

Ground Instruction 

Initial Certifications

Sport $60 per hour 

Private $60 per hour

Advanced  Certifications

Instrument      $70 per hour

Commercial    $70 per hour

Sport CFI    $70 per hour

MSFS Procedures Simulator

Flight Instruction

Basic Certifications

Sport and Private $60 per hour

Advanced  Certifications

Instrument, Commercial, and  Sport CFI $70 per hour

*Please note that, at this time, we do not offer instrument flight instruction as our instructor is currently pursuing the appropriate certifications to be able to provide that instruction. 

Check-Ride Preparation and Feedback

For those experiencing anxiety as they prepare for various levels of check-ride, we offer feedback sessions and practice flights to grow your confidence.   Please call for pricing based on your specific needs. 

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